Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Georgia/Florida Weekend, St. Simon's Island

Only a 3 day turn-around and we are off again, this time without Boozer but definitely not without booze! We've heard all the stories but never experienced GA/FL weekend at St. Simon's. We decided that it might be too much for Boozer to handle so he will vacation at NOAH. The girls there love him and really spoil him with attention.

The trip down to St. Simon's is pretty boring and seems to take forever. The worst part is when you get on the highway that is like concrete with spacers in between each section. You ride along going ka-clunck, ka-clunck and feel like your tires are flat. We stopped to get gas and I was going to make lunch. I opened the refrigerator door and KA-BAM! The panel on the refrigerator door crashed to the floor. Scared me to death. Hmm...interchangeable panel on the fridge door. This will have to be fixed later. Always something, right?

Since the GPS doesn't locate where we are going our host met us in his golf cart. Well he almost met us as there are restrictions on where golf carts can go. He's on his cellphone giving us directions and HRH gets confused and drives up over a concrete curb. BAM! CRASH!! The overhead cabinet door flew open and eight Corning Ware plates crashed to the floor, four smashed to pieces. Oh, well. Those were old plates that had been recycled from home use to original motorhome use to the attic and then to this motorhome. No great loss. We usually use paper plates anyway. Thank goodness Boozer wasn't with us as he would have been sleeping right there.

Although we would highly recommend the rv site, unfortunately it is not a public venue. We set  up in a grass alley behind the beach house of our friends. Plug in the electric cord and connect up the water hose and we are set for the weekend.

Thursday nite we ate at another friends' house...they had a biscuit cook-off along with eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, fruit and more. Breakfast for dinner! We ate at Catch 228 Oyster Bar for dinner on Friday and Brogen's on Saturday for lunch. I've reviewed both on TripAdvisor.

The highlight of the weekend was a trip to East Beach on Friday. It's called Frat Beach on Georgia/Florida weekend because all the fraternities and sororities congregate there. We all set up our beach chairs for the best viewing. In the morning hoards of students start arriving and making their way down the beach. Many are in costume and are quite a sight to see. They have all manner of containers for their booze, beer, etc. We saw laundry detergent jugs, plastic gas cans, coolers of all shapes and sizes including Yeti's which are over $350 and took 2-4 people to carry. What a parade! As more and more students arrive, the crowd at the other end of the beach continues to grow closer to us and the noise level grows also. Finally, we decide to brave the elements and make our way down the beach. By now, several hours have passed and we are getting to see the effects of the alcohol and sunshine up close. You can actually feel the heat emanating off the masses of people and the drone of voices. It is very surreal. There is a guy flying a kite and as we look overhead we discover that he has a camera mounted on the kite string. Will have to check YouTube! We made it all the way in and then back out again. Whew! Fresh air!! What an experience!!!

Here is a video that was posted on YouTube. http://youtu.be/pag6RqyxuJ8

The real highlight of the trip was supposed to be the game. The party atmosphere was great. Most of our tailgate friends were there along with some new ones. The game itself was a disappointment. Georgia won over Florida but there have been better games.

On Sunday we left for home and on the way we talked about how this was probably one of those "bucket list" things. You haven't lived until you've experienced Frat Beach on Georgia/Florida weekend!

Students heading down Frat Beach

We braved the crowds

Girl in center trying to get up...fail!

Coolers, coolers everywhere!
Not even noon yet!

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